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Climate Emergency Exhibition at the Cité des SCIENCES

Faced with the worsening climate crisis, humanity is faced with the need to re-examine its relationship with the world and initiate profound and collective transformations at all levels of our societies to face the challenge. urgency of the disaster.

Date: Permanent exhibition from May 16, 2023.

Desires: With Children or without!, climate, science, educational, engaged.

Climate Emergency at the Cité des SCIENCES
Climate Emergency Exhibition

This grim observation is nevertheless a powerful engine of hope, supported by mobilizing actions, citizen initiatives and new approaches in the areas of social, environmental and economic innovation.

Climate Emergency, the new permanent exhibition at the Cité des sciences et de l'industrie, offers an overview of the mechanisms that seek to reconcile decarbonization and the adaptation of our societies.

The objective of Urgence climat is to captivate visitors and encourage them to participate in the global ecological transition project. To continue to inhabit the Earth, we must transform our ways of life and governance. The exhibition takes stock of the current world while suggesting that solutions are within everyone's reach.

The exhibition aims to highlight existing achievements through stories, testimonials and experiences, emphasizing that frugality is necessary to achieve our decarbonization goals.

As soon as you enter the exhibition, an illustrated fresco attracts the attention of visitors. Then, a central orientation table guides you towards three visit sequences, offering free exploration enhanced with interactive devices, data and interviews.

The first part of the exhibition focuses on three sectors that emit high levels of greenhouse gases (GHG): cities, transport and food systems. Through data sculptures, manipulations based on scenarios developed by the Ecological Transition Agency (ADEME) as well as games, the public takes ownership of the different paths to achieving a carbon-free world.

It's time to act!The "Anticipating the future" lays the foundations of scientific knowledge on climate change due to GHG emissions of human origin. It addresses topics such as the greenhouse effect, disruption of biodiversity and rising sea levels. The "Energies and Resources" explores the intensive exploitation of natural resources and our growing energy demand. Finally, the "Data of the future" presents a series of data visualizations to discover the possible futures of our planet by the end of the century.

Let's get ready!The last part highlights the notions of individual and collective actions, commitment and mobilization. A device allows visitors to calculate their carbon footprint. Citizens demonstrate their awareness and their concrete actions. The role of States and businesses in transforming the system is discussed. Finally, an audiovisual sequence projected in a hut explores the question of the collective, activism and commitment.

Date: Permanent exhibition from May 16, 2023.

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