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Exhibition Hervé Di Rosa, Le passe-mondes at Pompidou Paris 4th

Hervé Di Rosa made his mark in the early 1980s within the Free Figuration movement, drawing his inspiration from popular culture, particularly comics. Subsequently, he embarked on a unique project consisting of entrusting his images to various crafts and techniques around the world, from Sofia to Lisbon via Ghana, Ethiopia, Vietnam, Mexico, Florida or Andalusia. In parallel with his artistic activity, Di Rosa devotes himself to the collection of objects that he describes as modest arts, aesthetic productions created outside the traditional framework of fine arts. In 2000, he created the International Museum of Modest Arts in Sète, his hometown, dedicated to these unique artistic forms.

Date: From February 28, 2024 to August 26, 2024

Desires: figuration, object, painting

Di Rosa
Di Rosa

Free Figuration is characterized by a rejection of abstraction and a return to figurative representation, often imbued with a popular aesthetic and inspired by comics. Free Figuration artists explore expressive, colorful and playful forms, freeing themselves from established artistic conventions.

Hervé Di Rosa's style is fully in line with this movement. He draws his inspiration from popular culture, urban arts and comics. His work is distinguished by simplified shapes, bright colors, repetitive patterns and a playful aesthetic that evokes the graphic world of comics. In addition to his commitment to Free Figuration, Di Rosa also stands out for his exploration of other artistic techniques and his attachment to the collection of modest art objects, thus helping to define his eclectic and singular style.

The exhibition entitled “Hervé Di Rosa, le passe-mondes” brings together works from the Free Figuration era, modest art objects and recent paintings around the pieces included in the collection. The objective is to present an overview of this extraordinary artist, thus offering a complete overview of his artistic journey and his multiple influences.

Date: From February 28, 2024 to August 26, 2024

Desires: figuration, object, painting

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